The recipe file index is in Tea.for.Two. A translation of food names from English to Japanese is found in food.names.

Recipes are found in the following blogspot sites: (1) appetizers.&.snacks, (2) beef, (3) beverages.&.drinks
(4) breads.&.muffins, (5) casseroles.&.stews (6), (7) cups.of.tea, (8) eggs.&.cheese,
(9) fish.&.seafood, (10) fruit, (11), (12) pasta.&.noodles, (13) pork, (14) poultry, (15) rice,
(16), (17) soups.&.salads, (18) sweets.&.treats, (19) tofu, (20) vegetables.

Lastly, cooking and household tips are in this-n-that.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ginger tea

4 thin slices fresh ginger
1 1/2-2 cup water
2 tsp black tea leaves

Heat ginger in water in a covered saucepan for 10 minutes. Place the tealeaves in a warmed teapot. Strain the ginger liquid into the teapot. Cover and steep for 3-5 minutes. Strain. Serve with sugar to taste. Serves 2.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Mulled apple tea

6 cups apple cider (or fresh apple juice)
6 whole cloves
3 cinnamon sticks, cut into 2 inch pieces
2 teabags
3 tbsp brown sugar
1 lemon, thinly sliced (for garnish)

Heat juice and add spices. Add teabags and steep for 3 minutes. Remove teabags and sweeten with sugar and lemon.

Serve with an optional cinnamon stick for a garnish.

Smells wonderful and tastes refreshing

Monday, May 12, 2008

Plantation tea

8 Pekoe tea bags
12 sprigs fresh mint
1 cup sugar
1 qt boiling water
1 qt homemade lemonade

Place tea bags, mint, and sugar into a heat-resistant pitcher. Pour in boiling water and stir.

Steep for 30 minutes and strain, and add to a pitcher of plain (without any garnish) lemonade.

Stir well. S
erve in tall glasses filled with ice.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Chocolate tea

6 tbsp loose Pekoe tea
2 tsp cocoa powder
1/2 tsp grated orange peel
2 tsp brown sugar
1 cup sweetened whipped cream
1 tbsp grated dark chocolate

Brew tea to desired strength. Stir in cocoa, peel, and brown sugar. Steep 30 minutes. Pour into 6 cups. Add a dollop of whipped cream to each and garnish with grated chocolate.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Rose herbal tea

1/2 cup of dried rose pedals or buds (unsprayed)
3 cups water

Add rose pedals or buds to a teapot and add hot boiled water.

Strain to serve.

Serves 3.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Iced tea

Black tea leaves (allow 1 1/2 tsp per cup)
Boiling water
Crushed ice
Sugar to taste
Lemon twists or fresh mint sprigs

Brew black tea in boiling water. To serve, pour tea into tall glasses that are filled with crushed ice. Garnish with a twist of lemon or a sprig of fresh mint. Sweeten with sugar to taste.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Fruit herb tea - iced

3 tbsp lemon balm leaves
3 tbsp apple mint leaves
3 tbsp orange mint leaves
3 tbsp peppermint leaves
2 tbsp chamomile flowers
4 cup water
4 tsp honey
Fresh sprig of mint or lavender (for garnish)

Gather either fresh herbs or use one-half of amounts if dry. In a stainless pan, add water and honey. Cover and bring to just a boil. Stir to mix herbs. Steep for 10-20 minutes. Strain the herbs from liquid while pouring into a decanter. To serve, pour over ice and add a fresh sprig of mint or lavender.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Rose petal tea

2 cup black tea
1/2 cup dried rose petals or buds (unsprayed)
3/4 lemon verbena leaves
2 tbsp dried lemon peel

Brew the tea. In a large pitcher, mix the tea with rosebuds, verbena leaves, and lemon peel. Strain. Serves 2. Note: strong light will make a stronger tasting tea. For a lighter tea, steep rose petals in a dark, airtight container.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Sunshine tea

Fill a large jar with water and insert 3-4 teabags (to make desired strength). Seal the jar with a tight lid. Leave jar in a warm area (shaded or sunny). To serve, fill glass with crushed ice.

Note: you may add water to dilute tea if too strong.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Herbal tea cooler

8 herbal cranberry tea bags
1 qt boiling water
1 liter apple juice
4 1/2 cup cold water
1 orange, sliced thin
1/2 lemon, sliced thin
Sprigs of fresh mint

Steep the tealeaves in boiling water in a glass container. Cool to lukewarm. Remove tea bags. Squeezing them to get full flavor from tea bags. Add apple juice, cold water and fruit slices. Chill thoroughly. Serve in ice-filled glasses garnished with sprigs of mint. Serves 8-10.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Basil herb tea

3 parts fresh basil
1 part lemon balm
1 part traditional tea

Use 1 tsp of dried herbs or 2 tsp of fresh for each cup of water. Add boiling water (1 cup per serving). Steep the tea for several minutes to extract the full flavor before serving.